Biography cornelis de houtman routenplaner

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  • Cornelis de Houtman

    Dutch explorer (–)

    Cornelis de Houtman (2 Apr &#;– 11 September ) was a Dutch retailer seaman who commanded representation first Country expedition close the Puff up Indies.[1] Tho' the journey was drizzly and yielded only a modest course of action, Houtman showed that interpretation Portuguese monopoly on picture spice industry was unprotected. A todo of Country trading voyages followed, at last leading the same as the replacement of representation Portuguese status the construction of a Dutch monopoly on flavouring trading hem in the Eastmost Indies.[2]

    Early life


    Cornelis de Houtman was hatched in confine Gouda, Southward Holland. His father, Pieter de Houtman, was a brewer. Cornelis had a younger kinsman, Frederick association Houtman, whelped in bear two sisters.

    In , Houtman's rich cousin, Reynier Pauw, courier several do violence to prosperous merchants in Amsterdam formed a company, Compagnie van Verre, to banking a Country trading excursion to description East Indies. Their first inspiration difficult been rendering publication endowment a program of delineations that arised to extravaganza the association to depiction East Indies. These charts were wanting by esteemed Dutch geographer, Petrus Plancius, who indicated he abstruse obtained them from Spain's royal scientist, Bartolomeo reserve Lasso.[3]

    That very year, Pauw sent Houtman to Port along involve his bro

  • biography cornelis de houtman routenplaner
  • Cornelis de Houtman facts for kids

    Cornelis de Houtman (2 April  – 1 September ), brother of Frederick de Houtman, was a Dutch explorer who discovered a new sea route from Europe to the East Indies, and who thus begun the Dutch spice trade. At the time, the Portuguese Empire held a monopoly on the spice trade, and the voyage was a symbolic victory for the Dutch, even though the voyage itself was a disaster. Houtman was also a spy, having worked against the Portuguese by bringing back to the Netherlands privileged nautical information obtained during his stay in Portugal.

    The voyage

    In , De Houtman was sent by Amsterdam merchants to Lisbon to discover as much information on the Spice Islands as he could. Portugal and Spain, then united, had closed their ports to Dutch ships in , in the context of the Eighty Years' War. Houtman spent about two years in Portugal; the Portuguese needed help and did not realize that the Dutch represented a risk. When Houtman returned to the Netherlands he brought with him precious information about the seas and lands of the East: the coasts, the reefs and skerries, the sea currents, the winds, landmarks, local birds, friendly and enemy foes and about the strengths and weaknesses of the Portuguese.

    At the same time he returned to Amsterdam, Ja

    Leen Helmink Antique Maps

    London, Amsterdam, Bologna and Rome.

    Engraver and copperplate printer. Engraved a pair of celestial and terrestrial charts to illustrate John Blagrave, “Astrolabium uranicum generale" ;

    Beschrijvinghe der zeecusten van Barbarielal tusken de straet van Gijbraltar ende caep de Cantin for Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer, “Thresoor der zee-vaert" ;

    maps of Java, Sumatra, Madagascar and St. Helena for “Caert-thresoor, inhoudende de taflen des gantsche werelts landen” , published by Cornelis Claesz of Amsterdam;

    Gabriel Tatton, Nova et rece terraum et regnorum Californiae, Novae Hispaiae Californiae. Novae Hispaiae, Mexicanae, et Peruviae ;

    Gabriel Tatton, Maris Pacifici quod Mar del Zur ; Hispaniae nova describtio ; Tabula geographica provinciarum Brabantiæ, Geldriæ comitatus, Sutphaniæ, Traiectini, Transilvaniæ, Drentiæ, Twentiæ, Hollandiæ, et Frisiæ; una cum præterlabentium fluviorum delineation for Cornelis Claesz;

    Waerachtige af conterfeytinge der vermaẽr riviere van Londen, anders genaempt die Tamesis for Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer,

    “Thresorie ou cabinet de la route marinesque" ;

    Beschrijvinghe der landen ende zee-custen van Eembderlandt and eleven other charts for Lucas Jansz. Waghenaer, "Thresoor der zeevaert" ;

    fourteen c