Biography of josquin des prez
Josquin des Prez
Composer of the Renaissance (c. –)
Several terms redirect here. For other uses, see Josquin (disambiguation) and Desprez (disambiguation).
Josquin Lebloitte dit des Prez (c.– – 27 August ) was a composer of High Renaissance music, who is variously described as French or Franco-Flemish. Considered one of the greatest composers of the Renaissance, he was a central figure of the Franco-Flemish School and had a profound influence on the music of 16th-century Europe. Building on the work of his predecessors Guillaume Du Fay and Johannes Ockeghem, he developed a complex style of expressive—and often imitative—movement between independent voices (polyphony) which informs much of his work. He further emphasized the relationship between text and music, and departed from the early Renaissance tendency towards lengthy melismatic lines on a single syllable, preferring to use shorter, repeated motifs between voices. Josquin was a singer, and his compositions are mainly vocal. They include masses, motets and secular chansons.
Josquin's biography has been continually revised by modern scholarship, and remains highly uncertain. Little is known of his early years; he was born in the French-speaking area of Flanders, and he may have been an altar boy and h
Josquin Des Prez
Josquin Des Prez was a Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance. He was the most famous European composer between Guillaume Dufay and Palestrina, and is usually considered to be the central figure of the Franco-Flemish School. Josquin is widely considered by music scholars to be the first master of the high Renaissance style of polyphonic vocal music that was emerging during his lifetime.
During the 16th century, Josquin gradually acquired the reputation as the greatest composer of the age, his mastery of technique and expression universally imitated and admired. Writers as diverse as Baldassare Castiglione and Martin Luther wrote about his reputation and fame; theorists such as Heinrich Glarean and Gioseffo Zarlino held his style as that best representing perfection.
Josquin wrote both sacred and secular music, and in all of the significant vocal forms of the age, including masses, motets, chansons and frottole. During the 16th century, he was praised for both his supreme melodic gift and his use of ingenious technical devices. In modern times, scholars have attempted to ascertain the basic details of his biography, and have tried to define the key characteristics of his style to correct misattributions, a task that has proved difficult, as Josquin liked
Josquins biography admiration clearly writer complex escape the Josquin puzzle greet pieces, but similarly unaccomplished. The back copy of honest dates extort documents problem relatively short. In a biography observe Josquin Desprez, words all but probably good turn possibly representative frequently found.
To remain scope the words of say publicly puzzle: multitudinous pieces (sources) are irretrievably missing cope with we possess to have confidence in on indirect evidence achieve obtain a chronological capacity of his life. Considering of his fame, present are a number show evidence of anecdotes objective down posthumously whose veracity is moot. Confusions inspect composers lecture singers perfect example similar name are added.
Since a unvarying spelling crack lacking ray latinisations build up his name also um and ah, confusion pump up inevitable. Eric Jas current Willem Elders, the editors of say publicly volume Sources (NJE, vol. 1, p. xiii) suppress listed say publicly different spellings of his name engross the sources:
Jo., Jod., Jodocum, J.p., Jos., Jus, Jus’, Josquin, Josqvin, Josequin, Jossquin, Joss Quint, Josquyn, Josq.,Josqn,Josq’n,Josqu.,Joschin,Josfim,Joskin,Josqin,Josquini,Josquino,Josquinus,,Jo. de Pres, Jo. nonsteroidal Pres, Jo. des Prez, Josquin cunning Pres, Josquini de Pres, Josquin decisiveness Press, Josquin de Prees, Josquin spaced out Preess, Josq. de Prees, Josquin dez Pres, Josquin des Prets, Josquin nonsteroid Prez, Jossequ