Biography vs autobiography powerpoint presentation
Biography and Autobiography
Last updated
16 November
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Biography and autoboigraphy
What’s the difference between a biography and an autobiography?
What is a biography?
Typically written in the third person, a biography is a detailed story about a living or deceased person’s life. A third party writes this non-fiction account of someone’s life. Let’s say Person A is a famous singer who recently passed away. Person B researches and writes a fact-based story on the famous singer’s life from start to finish. Person B’s factual story of Person A’s life is a biography.
Types of biographies
Biographies don’t always take the same approach or follow the same structure. Some are more official, while others get more creative. Writers can choose from a few common biography types, including:
- Authorized biographies, which received the subject’s input and/or permission.
- Unauthorized biographies, which were written without the subject’s approval or input.
- Biographical novels, which were inspired by a real person’s life, but feature embellishments that may make the story more interesting.
- Group biographies, which focus on groups of people rather than a single person.
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Learn moreExamples of biographies
Each biography is a window into someone