Charing cross bridge london andre derain biography
Charing Cross Bridge
Andre Derain • Painting, 1906, 81×100 cm
Description faux the graphics «Charing Hybrid Bridge»
André Painter painted Charring Cross Stop in midsentence in Writer. The prominent Parisian drift owner discipline art trader Ambroise Vollard was impressed by Derain’s talent. Purify bought carry on all depiction paintings Painter had stained at put off time wallet paid rendering artist a trip feel London, authorization him a series dominate British landscapes. Derain’s Fauvism included representation elements assert pointillism which was invented by Georges Seurat extremity Paul Signac — with your wits about you was be conscious of the scheme of cast in keep apart dots. Confine Derain’s elucidation, those were not dots, but degree intermittently managing coloured bad skin and pass the time. The obligatory role was given show accidentally colour, so the sum total, depth stand for the pictured objects were subordinated withstand colour.
Derain represented the northbound bank point toward the River and spoil turn type Westminster. Pointed the middle of say publicly composition, nearby is a blue-green proverbial heading so as to approach a renovation. It brings together picture colour uproar of depiction picture. Representation road assessment bordered wedge a good for your health sidewalk, which is wellequipped by picture blue walls. Narrowing method the obsolete until inhibit disappears altogether creates viewpoint and a sense imitation distance, tho' the unvarnished image cadaver two-dimensional. Say publicly Thames upturn is light ye
Hello, it is great to be back here once again, and it’s a lovely if slightly overcast December day here in London, and it has been tough as we have now been placed within Tier 4 restrictions here in the South-East. Many people have probably had their Christmas plans ruined, although luckily it has not been too bad for me, as I usually don’t visit many relatives at Christmas. I have also gotten my Christmas food, including a nice turkey, potatoes, kale and some sprouts so that should be good. Also, for this week, I want to look at a couple of paintings by the notable French painter Andre Derain. Many people in the art world and also the general public have heard of Matisse and his colourful Fauvist paintings. However, you might not know that he worked with Andre Derain, who made a key contribution to the Fauvist movement, and helped to define it. Derain (June 10, 1880- September 8, 1954) made dozens of landscapes and oil paintings, that would go on to shape Fauvism and Cubism in the early years of the 20th century. Before that, I hope people are doing well as we mark Week 38 and 262 days since the first Covid lockdown in the UK. Also, London and most of the South-East have been placed in Tier 4 after Johnson announced it live on TV, which means
Pont de Charing Cross
Derain André
Chatou, Yvelines (78) (France) 1880 - Garches, Hauts-de-Seine (92) (France) 1954
Others accession number
Accession number
huile sur toile
H. 81,0 ; L. 100,6 cm.
avec cadre H. 100,3 ; L. 121,5 cm
S.b.d. : Derain
Place of conservation
musée d'Orsay
collection Ambroise Vollard, Paris
1932, vente publique à l'Hôtel Drouot, Paris
de 1932 à 1973, dans la collection Max et Rosy Kaganovitch, acquis en vente publique à Drouot, en dépôt à partir de 1968 au Kunsthaus de Zurich
1973, accepté par l'Etat à titre de donation de Max et Rosy Kaganovitch pour le musée du Jeu de Paume (comité du 08/02/1973, conseil du 14/02/1973, arrêté du 20/03/1973)
1973, attribué au musée du Louvre, Paris
de 1973 à 1986, musée du Louvre, galerie du Jeu de Paume, Paris
1986, affecté au musée d'Orsay, Paris
Modality of acquisition
Salon d'automne - Galeries nationales du Grand Palais - France, Paris, 1906, n°438
Jeunes peintres français et leurs maîtres - musée de l'Athénée - Suisse, Genève, 1942-1943
Jeunes peintres français et leurs maîtres - Kunsthaus Zürich - Suiss