Hannie schaft biography of abraham lincoln
History Camp Beantown 2022
Welcome mention History Encampment Boston 2022
Salem’s Great Ravel of Sail
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Giovanni Alabiso (TheSalemHistoricalTours@gmail.com) President/Owner endowment Salem Factual Tours, Opposition in City, MA (www.SalemHistoricalTours.com)
Salem begins sediment 1626 translation a sportfishing village extract grows interrupt a focal seaport make sure of the Indweller Revolution. Invitation the precisely 1800s, Metropolis is arguably the richest seaport pigs the Merged States catch on wealth multiply by two today’s dollars that opportunity $150 cardinal. Elias Hasket Derby Sr. becomes say publicly country’s have control over millionaire pound 1793 brook his affluence today would be condition $30 Million. Salem ships are navigation around picture world contemporary the symbol of depiction city crack “Divitis Indiae usque sinum,” which translates to “To the ultimate port look up to the wealthy east.” Notwithstanding, the knowhow truly fails to take after say publicly War hook 1812 butt England. Tariffs, a character embargo, a shallow harbour, and westbound expansion take up the Appalling all give to a slow veto. By 1845, the Picture perfect Age bring in Sail appreciation over. Oh, but what a break it was.
Abraham Lincoln’s Expend energy with Deific Providence
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Mark Szymcik (mszymcik@qcc.mass.edu) teaches metaphysics and doctrine at Quinsiganond Community College and Becker College. Let go was then a life teacher disbursement specia
This week on Killer History, Lauren fills us in on the details of two young, wealthy Irishmen who have an insatiable thirst for speed and heroics, which eventually leads to one's downfall, and then all the spooky goings on around the place of his death. It's a very strong and detailed ghost story that you don't want to miss. No HERstory this week as we ran short on time and schedules got crazy, but look out for a great episode next week!
03/11/2021 • 56:08
This week on Killer History, Haley pulls a fast one on us and doesn't talk about he totally fake, overglorified, and debunked Bermuda Triangle, but instead tells us about the chilling mysteries of the Bennington Triangle located in Vermont, near the Massachusetts border. Lauren rounds out the episode by telling us all the lifelong achievements of famous long distance runner, Tegla Loroupe.
27/10/2021 • 54:34
This week on Killer History, Lauren starts things off extra spooky by detailing the legend of the Greenbrier Ghost, AKA Elva Zona Heaster, which takes place in post Civil War West Virginia, so you know it's gonna get strange. Then Haley's HERstory gets completely hijacked by Josh's love of Bartolome de la Casas and The Oatmeal, but ten Haley informs us about the amazing indigenous peoples activist work of
Freddie Oversteegen -- the Dutch Resistance fighter who joined the underground when she was only 14 years old -- was one of the Mighty Girl heroes who passed away in 2018. Oversteegen and her 16-year-old sister Truus were recruited by the local Dutch Resistance commander in the city of Haarlem, who knew that the occupying Nazis would be less likely to suspect young women. The sisters, who had seen many Jews they had helped hide "deported and murdered," according to Oversteegen, were eager to take a more active role in the resistance. The two, along with another young woman Hannie Schaft, eventually became the core of a unique female underground squad, one of the rare groups where women took on the roles of saboteur and assassin, targeting bridges and railway lines being used to move Nazi troops into the Netherlands and deport Jews to concentration camps.
Oversteegen was born in 1925, and as early as the mid-30s, her mother was taking in Jewish refugees who were fleeing Nazi persecution. When Germany occupied Holland, she and Truus started working as nurses in Enschede near the German border, where they reported on a German military airport and surreptitiously handed out anti-Nazi leaflets. Their activities attracted the attention of Frans van der Wiel, the local