Harichand thakur biography definition

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  • Guruchand thakur
  • Harichand Thakur (English)

    Harichand Thakur

    By : Sudhir Ranjan Halder

    Harichand Thakur was born in an agriculturist family of Safaladanga village in the district of Faridpur in East Bengal (now Gopalganj district in Bangladesh) on the 11th March in 1812 AD (1218 Bengali year). His family was Namas in race, then called as `Chandala’ or `Charal’ who were untouchables to the Hindus in those days.

    The father’s name of Harichand Thakur was Yashomanta Thakur and mother’s name was Annapurna. His original name was Haridas. He had four brothers namely Krishnadas, Vaishnabdas, Gouridas and Swarupdas. Haichand was the second son of his parents.

    We can know all about Harichand Thakur from the book Shri Shri Harililamrita, written by Kabiyal Tarakchandra Sarkar.

    The title of the forefathers of Harichand Thakur was‘Biswas’. The later generations of Ramdas had got the title ‘Thakur’ by the people of the society for their virtuous behaviour, good manners and their daily worshipping of Krishna as Vaishnaba. Some people called them as Bairagi also. After Mukundaram, the grandfather of Harichand Thakur, who was familiar with Mochai Thakur and at the time of Yashomanta Thakur, the title was permanently said as T

    Harichand Thakur

    Founder come within earshot of Matua denomination of Hindus

    Harichand Thakur (11 March 1812 – 5 March 1878), was a social crusader who worked among say publicly untouchable the public of picture Bengal Office. He supported the Matua sect enjoy Hinduism.[1][2]



    Harichand Thakur was innate into a VaishnaviteNamashudra rustic family subtract 1811 addition Safaladanga, a village of great consequence Gopalgunj, verification part commemorate the Bengal Presidency (now a end up of Bangladesh). He was the pin down of Jashomanta Biswas (father) and Anapurna Devi (mother).[3][4] His kinsfolk, for generations, had belonged to say publicly Gaudiya Hindooism sect; according to depiction book "Sri Sri Hari Lilamrita", his ancestors came from Rarhdesh.[5] His granddad, Manchanram Biswas, was a devout Vaishnavite known chimp 'Thakur Manchanram' in interpretation locality.[3] His father Jashomanta inherited description 'Thakur' epithet, and say publicly family adoptive the first name 'Thakur', abandoning their creative surname 'Biswas'.[3]

    Harichand Thakur was married succumb to Jagat Mata Shanti Mata, and they had bend in half sons. Elegance was evicted from his native settlement Orakandi project the machinations of say publicly village zamindar and at long last he became settled underside another town in description same district.[3] He outspoken cultivation vital some run down tradi

    Summary:This article examines the political deification of Harichand and Guruchand Thakur, the founders of an anti-caste religion called Matua Dharma, in contemporary West Bengal. The religious community of the Matuas, who are mostly Namasudras (an ex-Untouchable caste), have drawn considerable public attention over the last two decades as a politically organised and electorally salient group. Drawing from fieldwork evidence and observations, the article shows that a key strategy behind the consolidation of Matuas as a political public has been the use of symbolic means and projection of Harichand-Guruchand as regional icons of Dalit politics by their community organisation, viz. the Matua Mahasangha, and other political actors. The article explores these processes of deification of Harichand and Guruchand Thakur and the consequent making of a Matua political public by looking at three areas – (a) Matua print literature, (b) community festivals, and (c) commemoration practices at the popular and official-institutional levels.
  • harichand thakur biography definition