Helene fischer udo juergens biography

  • Udo Jürgens was an Austrian composer and singer of popular music whose career spanned over 50 years.
  • Udo Jürgens (born Udo Jürgen Bockelmann, 30 September 1934, Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria) is an Austrian composer and singer of popular music whose career.
  • Recently the song was sung by Helene Fischer for his 80th birthday celebration: A new biography of Jürgens has just been published: Paul Sahner, Merci, Udo!
  • Now my knowledge of foreign music is somewhat...limited, constrained, restrcited if you will. But I do have time for Udo Jurgenes. Let me paint a picture of this impressive musicians career. Now 80, Udo's career starts back in 1950 where he won a composers contest in Austria. After that Udo never looked back. In 1961 he wrote 'Reach for the Stars' for the legend that is Shireley Bassey and then went on to represent his nation in the Eurovision Song Contestant 1964 and finished a respected 6th. He represented his country 3 times in the competition and on his third attempt he won! The man won it with the classic hit 'Merci Cherie.'

    After that success was easy for the Austrian and has toured and performed endlessly. He's played alongside The Supremes and even sang at the Football World Championship in 1990. Even now at the age of 80 Udo is still rocking up to sing his songs, what an ahcievement that is, unfortunatley ignored by many music critics.

    All hail King Udo Jurgenes!

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  • helene fischer udo juergens biography
  • In Memoriam: Udo Jürgens and Joe Cocker

    Two singers passed away at the end of 2014: Udo Jürgens (1934 – 2014) and Joe Cocker (1944 – 2014).

    Austrian singer and songwriter Udo Jürgens died December 21 at the age of 80. His songs were popular all over the world and covered in multiple languages.

    New York Times: “Became known as Europe’s Frank Sinatra as he helped define postwar popular music in the German-speaking world”

    Le Monde: “Très populaire dans les pays germaniques grâce à des mélodies sentimentales qui ont marqué leur époque”

    Der Standard: “Einer der größten Stars und Entertainer des deutschsprachigen Raums. Seine Musik begleitete mehrere Generationen.”

    Commemorative postage stamp (Sondermarke) from Austria

    “Merci, Chérie” was Jürgens’s winning entry in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1966:

    Recently the song was sung by Helene Fischer for his 80th birthday celebration:

    A new biography of Jürgens has just been published:

    Paul Sahner, Merci, Udo!(Freiburg: Herder, 2015)

    Other books about Jürgens have been reviewed by info-netz-musik:

    British singer Joe Cocker died on December 22 at the age of 70. The Telegraph writes that his voice “could rage, bellow, rasp, screech or – if circumstance demanded – be unexpectedly yearning