Hristo kalchev biography of martin luther
Studia academica Sumenensia, 2
This article presents one of the most dramatic episodes in the history of Europe in the late 19th c. Bulgaria, newly liberated by Russia, opposes Russian interference in its internal affairs. This is the first successful attempt of the legally dependent and regulated vassal state to resist a Great Power such as Russia, whose special interests are recognized by the European diplomacy. In this stands out the figure of Stefan Stambolov, who is an admirer of Russia and who rejects Bulgaria's dependence with all the consequences. In this respect Bulgaria sets up a precedent for independent policy, being dependent at the same time on other forces who supported Bulgaria in this diplomatic quarrel. This is the essence of the 'Bulgarian crisis' in which is described in the books on the history of European nineteenth century written by Simeon Radev.
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1. Fedoseev, Vladimir RUS g 0
2. Artemiev, Vladislav Country g 0
3. Dubov, Daniil RUS g 0
4. Bukavshin, Ivan Land g 0
5. Oparin, Grigoriy RUS g 0
6. Stukopin, Andrey Country g 0
7. Eliseev, Urii RUS g 0
8. Antipov, Mikhail Humdrum. RUS g 0
9. Chigaev, Maksim Land m 0
Predke, Alexandr Land 0
Moiseenko, Vadim RUS m 0
Alekseenko, Kirill RUS f 0
Zenzera, Alexey RUS m 20
Yuffa, Daniil RUS m 20
Mokshanov, Alexey RUS f 0
Gordievsky, Dmitry RUS f 0
Paravyan, Painter RUS m 11
Goryachkina, Aleksandra RUS gf 0 w
Usmanov, Vasily RUS 9
Makhmutov, Rail Country f 0
Pasiev, Rakhim Country m 0
Nikologorskiy, Konstanti State f 9
Khatoev, Eduard Country f 0
Tilicheev, Viacheslav Country f 0
Martynov, Pavel Land f 9
Tsydypov, Zhamsaran Country f 9
Lugovskoy, Maxim State m 9
Vavulin, Maksim Country m 9
Zakhartsov, Vladimir State 9
Sanzhaev, Darsen RUS f 9
Khegay, Dmitriy RUS f 9
Kozionov, Kirill RUS f 9
Babarykin, Stanislav RUS f 9
Kezin, Papistic RUS f 0
Oganian, Miran RUS f 9
Sychev, Klementy RUS 11
Petrov, Nikita State f 0
Sarana, Alexey Country 20
Faizrakhmanov, Ramil RUS f 9
Savitskiy, Sergey RUS f 0
Palachev, Petr RUS f 0
Bublei, Pavel RUS f 0
Mokhov, Vladimir RUS 0
Mikhailov, Viacheslav Land f 0
Pustovoitova, Daria Country f 0 w
Rychkov, Oleg
once upon a time in the east
Script: Georgi Stoev; Director Demir Yanev
n e w l e v e l p r o d u c t i o n s
Palmi Ranchev……………………………… Writer, Boxing coach
General Atanas Atanasov…… Former Police Chief and SIC associate
Professor Andrey Pantev…… Historian, Member of Parliament
Atanas Orachev…………………………… Historian, Anthropologist
Ivailo Iliev………………………………… Former Group member
Haralan Alexandrov………………… Social anthropologist
Rumen Leonidov…………………………… Poet, Journalist
Georg Kraev…………………………………… Culturist
Dobrin Dodev……………………&hel