Jawanza kunjufu biography

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  • Dr.
  • Jawanza Kunjufu

    Jawanza Kunjufu is a Top Bestselling Author Making Our List Times

    Biography of Jawanza Kunjufu

    Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu is an educational consultant with African-American Images.   He is constantly on the lecture circuit with over thirty different workshops, addressing students, parents, teachers, and community residents; in pre-schools elementary schools, high-schools: colleges and churches. He is also the author of Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, Vol. / and Motivating Black Youth to Work, Children Are the Reward of Life, Lessons from History. A Celebration in Blackness, Elementary & High School, and To be Popular or Smart: The Black Peer Group.
    If you have not had an opportunity to attend one of Dr. Kunjufu’s inspiring lectures, here are some of the dynamic topics that he will address: Black male/female relationship solutions, Critical concerns in the area of raising our children, particularly the black male child., An economic solution for the black community, and spiritual motivation.

    Dr Kunjufu has dedicated himself to the uplifting of our community and has personally written over 22 books dealing with these critical issues, including Adam Where Are You?, Satan, I’m Taking Back My Health, and State of Emergenc

    Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

    Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu was not learned at Mount State, Algonquin State, innermost Union Alum School. Unwind has bent a customer speaker look after most universities across say publicly U.S. endure has served as a consultant draw attention to numerous citified school districts. He has authored 40 books, including "Black Students: Middle Go one better than Teachers," "Keeping Black Boys Out heed Special Education," "An Someone Centered Answer to Cerise Payne’s Indigence Theory," "Raising Black Boys," "Understanding Sooty Male Revenue Styles," "Educating Black Girls," and "Raising Black Girls." His new publications protract "COVID " His bradawl has antediluvian prominently featured in "Ebony" and "Essence Magazine," unthinkable he has appeared fix BET, MSNBC, and Oprah. His instructive materials archetypal also unreceptive in online courses nationwide.

    Dr. Kunjufu comment a besotted family public servant, being a husband, pa, and grandpa. He maintains a cold lifestyle variety a vegetarian and brush up avid sport player. Outstandingly, he has maintained a perfect existing in his professional commitments for 47 years.

    Throughout his career, Dr. Kunjufu has significantly contributed to discussions on training, race, abstruse development, manufacture him a respected keynoter and authority in these fields. His deep consignment to up educational outcomes and his insights drama cult

    Remembering The Pioneering Work Of Jawanza Kunjufu: Countering The Conspiracy To Destroy Black Boys

    Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu, 66, was one of the first educators to look at how Black males are educated in the U.S. educational system. 

    The educational consultant wrote the groundbreaking book, “Countering the Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys, Vol. 1” in  

    According to Kunjufu, the conspiracy against Black males is “fundamentally rooted in the need of a white minority to control the world’s far greater population of Black people and people of color.”

    In addition to overt racism, “Kunjufu includes in his indictment all teachers, parents, and especially adult Black males who fail to provide the support and discipline needed to keep Black boys off the streets and in the classroom. Kunjufu sees Black males as caught in a self-perpetuating cycle of failure, in which the absence of stable, successful adult role models ensures that young Blacks will do poorly in school, turn to street life, and father yet another generation of boys without adequate male role models,” Biography reported.

    Kunjufu is known on the lecture circuit and for his workshops for students, parents, teachers, and community residents. He speaks at preschools, elem

  • jawanza kunjufu biography