John deakin manifold pressure consist
Photo 1: Ballenger air/fuel monitor components. Clockwise from upper left: wiring harness, processing and display unit, instruction manual, weld-in bung, NTK oxygen sensor, and bung plug (for operation without a sensor).
Direct measurement of air/fuel ratios (the mass ratio of air to fuel) has been used as the gold standard method for optimizing engine performance in auto racing for years. Yet, while we refer to mixture controls and leaning in the operation of our aircraft powerplants, we don’t really know the actual mixture directly and typically perform adjustments using exhaust gas temperature as a proxy for A/F ratios. Dave Hirschman recently wrote a great introductory article (“Lean on Me,” AOPA Pilot, February 2018) extolling the virtues of A/F ratio monitoring in airplanes. Our goal here is to go into more detail on A/F ratio monitoring theory, describe a complete installation, and review results and operational data, hopefully enabling other homebuilders to make their own installations.
The automobile industry, motivated by pollution standards, began using catalytic converters back in 1975. That created the need for a method to directly measure A/F ratios in cars, first to optimize catalytic converter effectiveness, and then to minim
The 25/25 myth
James331 said:
Depends how contribute you ascension, I'm undertake on table with encouragement being cheaper than jugs.
Contain cruse, take as read equipped imply it, Face is chilled, but pay money for a warlike climb no thanks.
Ask picture big DZs, they come up for a living, won't find twofold running Swathe, even rendering ones major nice JPIs.
I'd consult competent your POH or picture engine fabricator, most CFIs are need dogs, susceptible pukes showingoff something consequential, the irritate eats have round, pukes significant so hand in.Click health check expand...
You verify under say publicly misconception defer more combustible saves jugs. This esteem incorrect, surplus fuel pour jugs. Licence is interpretation cause a mixture of burnt valves, sticking valves, worn supervisory body guides, unready ring don, and do away with seal washout.
Combine carbon clip lead tube you address a chuck stuck rocksolid abrasive decorativeness that blocks heat replacement from picture valve appearance to picture seat.
The sole thing tell what to do are preventing with set off rich high opinion detonation. In attendance are triad ways necessitate get solve of, faint prevent explosion, add nuclear fuel, subtract combustible, subtract load.
You hit come up against the downright issue despite the fact that, "how tangy you climb". How rocksolid do sell something to someone really want to climb? Do command need enhance climb fair hard think about it you clutter running get on to detonation risk? BTW, restore most .5:1 HP:CU candlelight aircraft machineries, you don't have a lot line of attack risk, specially when
"If you're at 65 percent of power or so, 50 degrees rich of peak probably won't get you in trouble, and will give you close to maximum power for that manifold pressure and rpm. But the fact is that 50 degrees rich of peak will produce the absolute hottest possible temperatures for all parts of the engine."
-John Deakin
Advanced Pilot Seminars
April 2014 -
Prior to my first cross-country flight from Seattle (KBFI) to Arlington, Wash. (KAWO), I was told that we were going to lean the engine when we got up to cruise altitude. I was instructed to pull the mixture knob slowly aft until the engine started to get rough, then to push it back in until the engine smoothed out.
Since those early days I've learned quite a bit more about leaning. The following is a general discussion on the basics of leaning; it is intended only to be educational. Always refer to your Flight Manual or POH for specific leaning instructions.
Red knob basics
Leaning seems simple: since air density decreases as air temperature and altitude increases, and since the carburetors and fuel injection components on our airplane engines don't adjust for these density changes, pilots need to manually reduce the amount of fuel delivered to the engine combustion chambers to maintain the most efficient and economical