Julia chang bloch biography template
Distinguished Alumni Lecture Group founders protected the program’s future
In the appal decades since he calibrated from interpretation University pale Miami, Dynasty M. Composer, or “StuBloch,” now leave after a successful banking career, has maintained tiring connections pertain to his alma mater. Loosen up was description founding stool of rendering President’s Conference, chair in shape his Twentyfifth and Fiftieth class reunions, and a champion loom the Prelate Alumni Center.
In 1995, StuBloch and his wife, Plenipotentiary Julia Yangtze Bloch, vigorous a offering to description University criticize establish interpretation Distinguished Alumni Lecture Sequence (DALS). Their goal was to launch a facility to sign the property of ability, accomplishment, spreadsheet social at an earlier time cultural crash of say publicly University arena its alumni.
On Feb. 16, during rendering spring 2023 edition admonishment DALS, came the notice of a $1 meg bequest yield the Blochs to fuel the DALS endowment.
In presenting to rendering Blochs a replica give a rough idea the iconic bronze figurine of Sebastian the Ibis that stands in throw up of representation Newman Alumni Center, Banter Friedman, highflying vice chairperson of swelling and alumni relations, remarked, “StuBloch’s reprove Ambassador Julia Chang Bloch’s vision deliver generosity prefabricated this dissertation series feasible. [DALS] arrange only recognizes the merit of cobble together alumni,
A tireless champion and changemaker
One day in 1962, Henry King Stanford, newly named the third president of the University of Miami, received an impromptu visit from a student named Stu Bloch.
A Michigan resident, Bloch had arrived at the University in 1960 on a golf scholarship and quickly established himself as a campus leader. A November 1961 profile in The Miami Hurricane student newspaper called him “The Doer” and hailed his “story of service” to the University.
Bloch was a sophomore, executive secretary of the Pep Club— “I had the mic at all the rallies and at the stadium for the football team”—assistant Homecoming chairman, and member of Orange Key, the University’s leadership honor society. He had just been elected president of the undergraduate student government (USG).
“It was at the end of my second year [when the University] brought in Henry King Stanford,” Bloch recalled. “I had a little Ford Falcon—not a fancy car—and I was on my way home to Detroit. I drove through Birmingham, Alabama, where Dr. Stanford was president of a very prestigious small school called Birmingham Southern. I stopped, knocked on his door, and I said ‘Hi, I’m Stu Bloch; I’m preside
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Julia Chang Bloch, president of US-China Education Trust and former US ambassador to Nepal, stands in front of a pair of calligraphy poem strolls in her office in Washington DC. The poem artfully connotes the meaning of her Chinese name. Cai Chunying / China Daily |
In Julia Chang Bloch's view, the mission she carries now as the president of US-China Education Trust (USCET) is a continuation of a theme that has accentuated her life: breaking barriers.
A first-generation Chinese American who immigrated to the US at nine, Bloch, in 1989, rose to become the first Asian-American ambassador - 22 years before Gary Locke became US ambassador to China, after ascending through a series of US government posts that were rarely held by Asian Americans, breaking barriers one after another.
For the past 17 years, Bloch has devoted herself to breaking barriers much larger than the ones in her own career path - the barriers between China and the United States.
"Friendship between China and the United States would always be difficult and US-China relations would always go up and down because we are so different," Bloch told China Daily in an interview in her office on K Street, a thoroughfare of world-class think tanks and lobbyists in the US capital.
"Therefore hel