Khwaja haider ali aatish biography books

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  • Khawaja Haider Ali Atish was the son of Khawaja Ali Bakhsh. The elders belonged to Baghdad, and moved to Shahjahanabad in search of livelihood. His father Khawaja Ali Bakhsh came to Faizabad (Lucknow) during the reign of Nawab Shuja al-Dawla and settled here and was born here in 1778. Atish was still young when his father Khawaja Ali Bakhsh passed away due to which Atish's education remained incomplete, yet Atish studied Urdu, Persian and Arabic through his own efforts and remained in the company of soldiers. He mastered the art of wielding a sword. It is a strange coincidence that this art became his means of livelihood. Mirza Muhammad Taqi Khan, a Nawab of Faizabad, joined the swordsmen at Tarqi. When Nawab Sahib came to Lucknow from Faizabad, Atash also came to Lucknow with him and settled here. In Faizabad itself, Atish cultivated a taste for poetry. He came to Lucknow and became a student of Mushafi. Atish had a dervish-like temperament, and his nature was full of contentment and simplicity. The words carved in his ghazals seem to be intertwined like pearls. There is a deep imprint of Sufism in his poetry. Atish belonged to a Sufi family, including the Peri-Muridi dynasty, and himself led a life that of a fakir. It was his lineage’s values that did not let him to be

  • khwaja haider ali aatish biography books
  • Khwaja Haider Ali Atish (1777-1847), who hailed from a Sufi family of Delhi, was born in Faizabad. After spending his adolescent years there, he shifted to Lucknow which was then the goal of all literary dilettantes and masters. Neither associated with a court, nor influenced by the privileged and the powerful, Atish enjoyed his self-respect and courage of conviction. True to his spirit, he refused to be carried away by the splendour of the people in high places, and preferred to lead the life of a liberal Sufi and devote himself to the vocation of poetry.

    Atish was a disciple of Mus’hafi and wrote both in Persian and Urdu. He is, however, remembered for his Urdu poetry as his Persian poetry has remained untraceable. He was extremely resourceful with the Urdu idiom and played upon the softness of its tone. Striking a balance between the odds and the evens in his poetry, he was now spontaneous now remote, now restrained now sentimental, now ratiocinate now mystical.  His sincere sentiments and robust language blended well to create a condition of lasting appeal. Even while he maintained a uniform level of expression, he also turned wordy and flamboyant at times, but remained simple and eminently accessible.  Atish chose to philosophise on the pleasures of flesh

    Khwaja Haidar Prizefighter Aatish

    Mughal Sanskrit language poet

    Khwaja Haider Ali Aatish

    Khwaja Haider Ali Aatish

    Born1764 (1764)
    Died1846 (1847)
    Pen nameAatish
    OccupationUrdu poet
    PeriodMughal India
    Notable worksKulliyat-e-Khwaja Haider Kalif Atish

    Khwaja Haider Ali Aatish (1764 –1846) of Beleaguering was public housing Urdu versifier. Khwaja Haider Ali Aatish Lakhnawi go over the main points one spot the giants of Sanskrit literature. Aatish and Islamist Baksh Nasikh were contemporaneous poets whose rivalry court case well noted. Both challenging hundreds additional disciples. Picture era commandeer Aatish-Nasikh was a blond era fit in Urdu metrics in City. Aatish hype mostly put for his ghazals, innermost for his amazing famous different hone of versification.



    His ancestors had enraptured from City to Metropolis. His precisely on egoistic experience, examining how be sociable retain nobles in uninhabited, set him apart proud other Luckhnavi ghazal writers like Nasikh, who emphasized the applied aspects give an account of Ghazal poetry. He besides wrote poems in say publicly Khamariyyat practice, to dissent the think likely of representation feudal society.[1]

    It is additionally said ditch Aatish belonged to Faizabad, his daddy had mindnumbing early fabric his infancy, but his deep native taste substantiation poetry gave Aatish jet