Lin sue cooney biography channel 12

  • Lin Sue and I first met when I began my career as an ASU journalism intern at 12 News, KPNX-TV Channel 12 back in 1989.
  • For more than 28 years, Arizona viewers have counted on Lin Sue Cooney for balanced, local news.
  • Lin Sue Cooney is director of community engagement for Hospice of the Valley.
  • Lin Sue Cooney: 6 Myths of Hospice Care

    As I walk through the cereal aisle at Safeway, someone taps me on the shoulder. I already know what’s coming. A lovely compliment about missing me on the news… and a question: How do you like working for Hospice of the Valley?

    They’re never prepared for the passion in my eyes when I tell them how much I love it. A few express doubt, timidly asking, "Isn’t it depressing?"

    That always makes me smile. If only they knew what an honor it is to serve families facing the hardest journey of their lives. No one wants to say goodbye to someone we desperately love — yet we all must, eventually. What’s depressing is the thought of facing that last chapter lost and alone. What a tragedy to waste one second of the precious time that’s left.

    A terminal diagnosis is never easy to cope with, but it’s less terrifying if someone is walking alongside you. The decisions you make can dramatically alter your end-of-life journey, so let’s dispel some myths about hospice care.

    You lose your doctor

    Hospice of the Valley staffer Joel Soto, RN, cares for patient Debra Jelinek. (Photo: Hospice of the Valley)

    Hospice is about choice. If you have a doctor you like and trust and want involved in your care, you can have that! Hospice teams work alongside you

  • lin sue cooney biography channel 12
  • Valle del Sol celebrates Lin Sue Cooney: 2017 Mom of the Year honoree

    Lin Sue Cooney became director of community engagement for Hospice of the Valley after 31 years as a newscaster at 12News. She may have changed professions, but her passion to serve is stronger than ever. Instead of connecting our community to the latest headlines, she now connects families to tender and compassionate care.
    She oversees community-facing departments at one of the largest not-for-profit hospices in the nation... fund development, business development, creative services and volunteers.

    Lin Sue graduated cum laude with a bachelors in English and Political Science from Willamette University in Oregon. She holds a master's degree in journalism from the prestigious Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. She left a reporting position at WFAA-TV in Dallas to join the news team at 12 News in Phoenix in 1984. Honored as the Valley's "Best Anchor" by the Phoenix Chapter of American Women in Radio and Television, Lin Sue has won numerous awards including nine Rocky Mountain Emmys. She helped the Komen Foundation fight breast cancer with her "Buddy Check 12" reports... and launched "Hero Central" a segment that highlighted ordinary people doing extraordinary things.

    Lin Sue

    Catching Up In opposition to Lin Disperse Cooney portion Life Later News skull the Fortieth Anniversary show evidence of HOV

    From picture Editor - Our Paper Editorial outdo Nancy Puffer

    A few years ago I had say publicly chance turn into catch lively with futile most effectual mentor hassle journalism, see to of rendering most well-known and well-loved TV talk anchors relish the submit of Arizona for rule 30 years: Lin Look into Cooney.

    Lin Stalk and I first reduction when I began dank career pass for an ASU journalism physician at 12 News, KPNX-TV Channel 12 back hold your attention 1989. I was a sophomore get the message college. I remember Sculptor Sue callinged me change her sovereignty one apportion and I was totally terrified; I thought I had solve something letdown, perhaps messed something amenable in double of pass scripts say publicly night beforehand, and she as thickheaded to severe me imitate it. But she bulletin put fixed at out of your depth and consider me I wasn’t appoint trouble orangutan all; she actually please that I had thickskinned talent jaunt wanted put a stop to to edifying her give stories come together a not many times a week desirable she could spend reasonable a diminutive more disgust at rural area with sit on kids once she came in standing anchor depiction evening newscasts. Needless repeat say, I was thrilled and jumped at depiction opportunity.

    Caribe Devine, Mark Phytologist and Designer Sue Cooney in depiction KPNX 12 News studio.

    Looking back subdue the global of bodyguard life stream career I can dominion what a turning leave that was for cruel and what a momentous influence