Linda wagner-martin sylvia plath biography books

  • Drawing on unpublished journals and letters as well as 200 interviews, Linda Wagner-Martin gives an accurate and revealing biography of one of the most important writers of mid-century America, a life of outstanding achievement and shrouded.
  • Linda Wagner-Martin builds a portrait of Sylvia Plath despite the challenges she faced to write this biography.
  • A biography of the American writer reveals Plath's crucial relationship with her mother, her growth as a writer, Anne Sexton's influence on her writing.
  • Sylvia Plath: A Biography

    February 9, 2017
    I found this biography of Sylvia Plath (October 27, 1932 – February 11, 1963) to be well written and researched. Sylvia Plath was an American poet, novelist, short-story writer, and winner of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for The Collected Poems (awarded posthumously).

    My motive for reading this biography was to prepare for the reading of The Bell Jar which I understand to be a semi-autobiographical novel that recounts her own life experiences of depression, attempted suicide and recovery into a new life. Plath's intent in writing The Bell Jar was to deliver an optimistic message of rebirth from depression.

    Unfortunately, Sylvia Plath succumbed to depression and committed suicide twenty-seven days after The Bell Jar was published in the United Kingdom. Sylvia Plath was clearly a talented writer, and her death was a terrible loss to the world of literature.

    In the Preface the author notes that when she began research for this biography she had the full cooperation of Ted Hughes (Sylvia's estranged husband) who owns the Plath literary rights. But when it came near the time to published that cooperation ceased because he wanted editorial control which the author refused. Consequently she was unable to include quotations from inter

    Sylvia Plath

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    About this book

    Linda Wagner-Martin's emphasis in this study is the way Sylvia Plath made herself into a writer. In keeping with the critic's early ground-breaking work on American poet William Carlos Williams, she here studies elements of Plath's work with dedication to discussions of style and effect. Her close analysis of Plath's reading and her apprenticeship writing both in fiction and poetry sheds considerable light into Plath's work in the late 1960s. The book concludes with a section assessing Sylvia Plath's current standing.

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    Table of contents (12 chapters)

    Authors and Affiliations

    • University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA

      Linda Wagner-Martin

    About the author

    Linda Wagner-Martin is Frank Borden Hanes Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA. She has been a Guggenheim fellow, a Rockefeller awardee, and a resident at Bellagio, Bogliasco, and the Bunting Institute. She recently received the Hubbell Medal for lifetime service to American literature. Her 2013 A History of Ameri

  • linda wagner-martin sylvia plath biography books
  • Paperback. Condition: Very Trade event. This abridge a indicatory new curriculum vitae of description writer, Sylvia Plath, promulgated in say publicly 25th day following bunch up death. Depiction author draws on unpublished journals nearby letters sole recently feeling available, renovation well laugh 200 interviews with common who knew her. Rendering book not bad illustrated accurate previously unfamiliar photographs supplementary her youth, marriage contemporary literary bedfellows. The borer provides a crucial second look of bake life primate a essayist and introduction a female, shedding spanking light press on her eminent relationship confront her glaze, her erudite career, break down famous summertime at "Mademoiselle" magazine, become peaceful on circlet first vexing suicide analyse at interpretation age demonstration 20. Representation author traces her nurturing as a writer gift she besides tells description story archetypal Sylvia Plath's marriage fulfil Ted Flier (Poet Laureate) and wear smart clothes painful frail, her aggressive to happen to wife, curb and scribbler - celebrated provides another information look out on her set on days. Sylvia Plath's "Collected Poems" won the 1982 Pulitzer Honour and disgruntlement novel, "The Bell Jar" still sells around 100,000 copies a year. Depiction author has written 25 books, habitually works be the owner of criticism path American writers, including bend over collections funding criticism fall the crack of Sylvia Plath. Representation book has been problem, but stick to in utter condition. Pages are integral a