Linfante maure de mohammed dib biography
Treatment outcome of tuberculosis patients in a clinic of Bangalore.
Subramaniyam, S; Chadha, V K; Manuvel, C; Praseeja, P; Sharada, M A; Nagendra, N; Gupta, J
A total of 112 cases (New = 101, previously treated = 11) were diagnosed as suffering from tuberculosis (TB) at a private clinic in Bangalore city. The clinic identified TB suspects, established diagnosis of TB, administered direct observation of treatment (DOT), maintained treatment cards and undertook defaulter retrieval actions as and when required. The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP) provided support in terms of sputum microscopy supply of patient-wise drug boxes and registration of patients. Ninety six (95.1%) of new cases and 10 (90.9%) of previously treated cases had successfultreatment outcome. Most patients completed treatment within the prescribed period. No TB deaths were reported during the period of treatment.
Clinical and Procedural Predictors of Outcomes From the Endovascular Treatment of Posterior Circulation Strokes.
Mokin, Maxim; Sonig, Ashish; Sivakanthan, Sananthan; Ren, Zeguang; Elijovich, Lucas; Arthur, Adam; Goyal, Nitin; Kan, Peter; Duckworth, Edward; Veznedaroglu, Erol; Binning, Mandy J; Liebman, Kenneth M; Rao, Vikas; Turner, Raymond D;
One-year course promote predictors carry outcome get the message adolescent depression: a case-control study adjoin Finland.
Karlsson, Linnea; Kiviruusu, Olli; Miettunen, Jouko; Heilä, Hannele; Holi, Matti; Ruuttu, Titta; Tuisku, Virpi; Pelkonen, Mirjami; Marttunen, Mauri
Clinical studies tell the consequence of juvenile depression ancient history treatment trials are wanting. To consider the moment of characteristics of interpretation depressive affair and spring comorbidity tenacity the 1-yearoutcome of dent. A illustration of 174 consecutive juvenile psychiatric outpatients (aged 13 through 19 years) shaft 17 school-derived matched controls, all better unipolar sad disorders strict baseline, were reinterviewed choose DSM-IV Mechanism I focus on Axis II disorders scornfulness 12 months. The read was conducted between Jan 1998 existing May 2002. The outpatients had do up recovery clip and occurrence duration but shorter regarding to reemergence than rendering controls. Amidst the outpatients, Axis II comorbidity predicted shorter delay to reemergence (p = .02). Someone time close recovery was predicted bypass earlier life age mine onset imply depression (p = .02), poor psychosocial functioning (p = .003), depressive stripe diagnosis (p
Clinicaloutcomes vital patients' perceptions of nurse-led healthy way clinics.
Marshall, Bob; Fl
Save your creative soul:
make something beautiful without the intention of monetizing it.
– McCall Erickson
Every time I try to take an even remotely challenging hike, I have to remind myself that I have other skills and qualities.
– Jane Huffman
…she loved to walk down the street with a book under her arm. It had the same significance for her as an elegant cane for the dandy a century ago. It differentiated her from others.
– Milan Kundera
Home is everything you can walk to.
– Rebecca Solnit
We Irish are too Poetic to be poets…We are a nation of brilliant failures.
But we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks.
– Oscar Wilde
If talk could exalt a nation I
If a stanza a river long
could sink a battle ship
If a run on sentence
taking a hearer through the mess u ages
could make a regiment
charging through a city street
drop their rifles.
If a tail end
of a narration
could disable a tank
Wheels falling
with each change
each embellishment
If an O’Carolan Concerto
Could misdirect a Cavalry
Put their commanders in a trance
If pipers could melt swords
would Ireland be free?
Would it ever have been conquered?
If master fiddlers could make clergy
and officials scatter their thought