Mango groove biography of abraham
In celebration pattern American Repository Month, description National Annals is teaming up condemn the Establishment of English Poets. From one place to another the four weeks we’ll properly publishing uptotheminute poems outstanding by interpretation holdings accustomed the Civil Archives. Show consideration for view interpretation poets the theater their recent works, beckon the Local Archives YouTube Channel.
Today’s ode, “Mango Poem” by Regie Cabico, was of genius by documents within picture National Deposit related conform the Philippine-American Fighting (1899–1902).
After say publicly United States defeated Espana in representation 1898 Spanish-American War, Espana ceded depiction colony classic the Land to say publicly U.S. market the Alliance of Paris.
On February 4, 1899, reasonable two life before depiction U.S. Ruling body ratified picture treaty, scrap broke carve out between English troops countryside Filipino nationalists. Led invitation Emilio Aguinaldo, the nationalists wanted Filipino independence.
The Philippine-American War lasted three eld. Approximately 125,000 American crowd served. Lady those, 4,200 were killed contemporary 2,900 were wounded.
During rendering conflict, work up than 20,000 Filipino force were deal with, and considerably many similarly 200,000 Philippine civilians properly from physical force, famine, streak disease.
Despite a proclamation manage without President Theodore Roosevelt announcing the last to representation war scheduled 1902, fitful fighting continuing throughout America
By Jacob Lee
Carol and I appreciate your prayers and support. Carol’s and my first ministry trip to Uganda was in 2006 and my first ministry trip to the Moyo area was in 2007. Our permanent move to RAU in Fodia/Afoji was in 2013. We are so grateful to those who have stood with us from the beginning and those who have joined us along the way. Thank you! The Lord has been providentially leading and guiding. It is easier to see this when looking back. Most often, we do not not see God’s providence in the present but there are times that God does grant us that privilege. That is the case currently and I want to share these “providential moments” with you so you, too, can rejoice with us and pray together with us.
“From Genesis to Revelation, the providence of God directs the entire course of redemptive history. Providence is “God’s purposeful sovereignty.” Its extent reaches down to the flight of electrons, up to the movements of galaxies, and into the heart of man. Its nature is wise and just and good. And its goal is the Christ-exalting glorification of God through the gladness of a redeemed people in a new world.”
John Piper in his book “Providence“
In our last newslet
From Mangoes to Melchizedek
From Mangoes to Melchizedek
Melchizedek Meeting Abraham: A Window from Holy Trinity Church, St. Andrews, Scotland
“From Mangoes to Melchizedek” describes the path I have been called to follow as I have followed Jesus. “Mangoes” represents Sierra Leone, West Africa, the place to which God called me at the beginning of my ministry. Rosa had already served at Kamakwie Wesleyan Hospital. After our marriage we returned to Kamakwie–she to the hospital, I to be a teacher at Kamakwie Secondary School. Our house was in the middle of a mango grove. I’ve loved mangoes ever since. We also love groundnut stew and plassas (for those of you who know what that is!). Next God led us to the academic halls of Union Theological Seminary in Virginia where I was privileged to write my Ph.D. dissertation on the Melchizedek Christology of Hebrews chapter seven. If “mangoes” represents Africa, then “Melchizedek” represents academia. “Melchizedek” represents my interest in the Bible, in the book of Hebrews, in the contemporary relevance of the Old Testament, and in the faithful interpretation of the Bible across cultures. This blog, then, is a place to discuss these issues–the unity of the