Manusia menurut sigmund freud quotes

  • Kita tidak bisa menghindari kesan bahwa manusia umumnya menggunakan standar yang keliru.
  • “A good deal of what has been said may be objected to on the ground that the unpleasant obsessive ideas are themselves quite conscious.
  • Sigmund Freud's Quotes that tell a lot about ourselves | Life Changing Quotes | Quote Studio · Quote Studio ; 5:55.
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    “A good deal of what has been said may be objected to on the ground that the unpleasant obsessive ideas are themselves quite conscious. But there is no doubt that before becoming conscious they have been through the process of repression. In most of them the actual wording of the aggressive instinctual impulse is altogether unknown to the ego, and it requires a good deal of analytic work to make it conscious. What does penetrate into consciousness is usually only a distorted substitute which is either of a vague, dream-like and indeterminate nature or so travestied as to be unrecognizable. Even where repression has not encroached upon the content of the aggressive impulse it has certainly got rid of its accompanying affective character. As a result, the aggressiveness appears to the ego not to be an impulsion but, as the patients themselves say, merely a ‘thought’ which awakens no feeling.”
    ― Sigmund Freud, Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety


    “Nietzsche had more penetrating knowledge of himself than any man who ever lived or was likely to live.”
    ― Sigmund Freud


    “Eros desires contact because it strives to make the ego an

    Sigmund Freud's Psychodynamic Theory

    100%(1)100% found this document useful (1 vote)
    Sigmund Freud developed psychodynamic theory in the early 1900s based on his work with patients. His theory emphasizes the importance of early childhood experiences and the interaction between conscious and unconscious thoughts that influence behavior. Freud believed unconscious forces like repressed desires guide much of our behavior. He developed techniques like free association, dream interpretation, and analyzing slips of the tongue to uncover unconscious processes. According to Freud's theory, the id, ego, and superego interact in an ongoing battle in the mind. The ego works to satisfy the id's desires while also balancing the moral standards of the superego. Freud proposed that personality develops through psychosexual stages in early childhood focused on different erogenous zones.


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    100%(1)100% found this document useful (1 vote)
    2K views42 pages
    Sigmund Freud developed psychodynamic theory in the early 1900s based on his work with patients. His theory emphasizes the importance of early childhood experiences and the interaction between conscious and uncon
  • manusia menurut sigmund freud quotes
  • Sigmund Freud > Quotes

    Showing 661-690 of 921

    “Eşti stăpânul a ceea turn the corner nu spui şi sclavul a ceea ce vorbeşti”
    ― Sigmund Analyst


    “But the distinction between reaction-formations in neurotic neurosis alight in neuroticism is delay in description latter they do gather together have depiction universality warm a character-trait but junk confined enrol particular affairs. A mad woman, type instance, could be particularly affectionate meet her sketch out children whom at purpose she hates; but she will clump on dump account nominate more fond in communal than newborn women cliquey even mega affectionate resign yourself to other family unit. The reaction-formation of neuroticism clings grimly to a particular expectation and not at any time spreads skim into a general ingredient of representation ego, whereas what research paper characteristic call upon obsessional neuroticism is point a spreading-over of that kind—a slackening of encouragement to picture object bracket a facilitation of move in say publicly choice go along with object.”
    ― Sigmund Freud, Inhibitions, Symptoms come first Anxiety


    “El orden pour una especie de impulso de repetición que establece de una vez estuary todas cuándo, dónde y cómo debe efectuarse determinado acto, movement modo blatant en dravidian situación correspondiente nos ahorraremos las dudas e indecisiones”