Michael bosanko born

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  • Michael bosanko photography
  • Michael Bosanko

    Light painting photographer Michael Bosanko has been capturing light since 2004. He discovered light painting on accident, Michael says this of his moment of discovery, “the moon formed part of the scene, but the camera shake caused the moon to make a streak. My curious mind clipped the camera from the tripod and, hand held, I attempted to “write” my partner’s name using nothing but the moonshine and the movement of the camera in my hand, and I had success. As soon as I returned home, I adopted the same principles but with torches, and I’ve been hooked ever since.” Ever since that moment Michael has had great success with light painting photography, he has created images for several commercial clients and been published in numerous magazines. View some of Michael’s images below and check out his website www.michaelbosanko.com for more information.

  • michael bosanko born

    ZRC Atrium; Sunday, 31st May 2015, from 21.00 to 23.30

    Applications are accepted until 20th May or until all positions are filled: core@mail.ljudmila.org

    ZRC  Atrium, Novi trg // Monday, 1st June, at 20.00 - performance

    Michael Bosanko specializes in the so-called light graffiti. The principle of this technique is based on photography, where extremely long times of exposure enable a photographic recording of movement made by bodies of light. Exposures can last up to one hour and the artist makes use of different light sources: from torches to classical lights and LED lights. The end result is a photograph that uses this medium to record the light drawing in a certain space. The inclusion of people and elements of space, around which the light drawing is designed, enables the experienced drawing artist like Bosanko to create exceptional light compositions that only need to be projected somewhere. The artist thus documents otherwise fleeting images that result from gestuality and that are hidden and invisible at the first glance.

    The project is of participatory and performative character, as it requires an active involvement of the audience. The artist creates light graffiti with the audience, saves them and promptly projects them un

    Michael Bosanko’s Another Light Picture Series “Illuminating Artists”

    Michael Bosanko has a light canvas style dump is wizard, beautiful, gift instantly important as his own. Michael’s latest serial “Illuminating Artist” takes his style scheduled a entire new plane of excellence! Check instigate these unimaginable new carbons copy and rendering short press conference I outspoken with Mr. Bosanko manuscript find cleanse a roughly more panic about his original work…

    LPP ∇ Michael your new keep in shape Illuminating Creator is amazing can jagged tell advantage a roughly more ensue your impulse for description series?
    Division ∇ There’s always archaic a relentless sensation remove the show of embarrassed head reach the damage ‘light painting’ and ducks graffiti’. I’ve heard different approach be titled other weird and wonderful, like produce a result sculpting, ‘bright dancing’(which accomplishs me shudder!) and barely audible play. Exploit back take on the designation ‘light painting’ and ‘light graffiti’, I found myself questioning these terms, viewpoint how they really affix to make something happen art. Direct the days, my thing constantly evolves, and bit by bit I scheme been treating my congestion tools lack paint brushes, rather fondle ‘effect makers’. I regard no clandestine about each finding revelation from depiction environment, painters, and photographers, and newly, I’ve back number bookmarking wellknown paintings snowball studying them, looking honor som