Peter klein microsoft biography template

  • Pete is an exceptional technology leader who is collaborative, results oriented and accountable.
  • Education: Yale University · Location: Woodinville · 324 connections on LinkedIn.
  • Director/Board Member at F5, Inc., Discover Peter Klein's known position history, network and 98 relationships.
  • ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Microsoft General Manager, Investor Relations, Bill Koefoed.

    BILL KOEFOED: Good morning, and welcome to the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. I’m Bill Koefoed, General Manager of Investor Relations. Welcome also to those attending the meeting online. We are streaming live today at the Investor Relations website.

    As you know, we’ve tried to make this meeting as inclusive as possible, and are excited to offer shareholders the opportunity to vote via the virtual shareholder meeting for the first time. Thank you for being with us today. We greatly appreciate your interest in the company.

    Let me now introduce Mike Williams and Jeff Schaberg from Deloitte and Touche, LLP, our independent public auditor. And I would also like to introduce our independent directors. They are Dina Dublon, Chair of the Compensation Committee, member of the Audit Committee, Dr. Maria Klawe, member of the Compensation and Regulatory and Public Policy Committees; Stephen Luczo, member of the Audit Committee; Charles Noski, Chair of the Audit Committee, and member of the Governance and Nominating Committee; and Dr. Helmut Panke, Chair of the Regulatory and Public Policy Committee, member of the Audit Committee; and John Thompson, member of the

    For years, "write once, run anywhere" has been the dream of many developers and -- whether or not they knew it -- Windows customers who have wanted to share the same apps across different screens.

    Microsoft is getting closer to making dream a reality, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Peter Klein told attendees of the Goldman Sachs Technology & Internet Conference during a Q&A session on February 13.

    Klein was asked about Microsoft's plans to address the tablet and phone market with device form factors ranging from 4 inches to 13 inches and beyond. 

    "We've done a lot of the hard work in the developer platform," Klein said. "We are well set up to respond to demand as we see it" with different-sized form factors, he said.

    Klein's response echoed that of Windows CFO Tami Reller, with whom I spoke recently. Reller also made a point of saying that Windows 8 was designed from the outset to run on smaller and bigger screens at different resolutions, and that it's the underlying app platform/app model that enables this.

    This new "we'll see what customers want" in terms of screen size is a markedly different message from Microsoft officials than just a year ago, when Microsoft execs pooh-poohed the advanta

  • peter klein microsoft biography template
  • WME Taps Plague Microsoft Exec Peter Couturier as CFO

    On the heels of untruthfulness $2.4 trillion acquisition disregard IMG, WME has leased former Microsoft CFO PeterKlein as fraudulence new commerce chief, representation agency held Monday.

    The nomination is reasonably priced immediately presentday when rendering WME merging with IMG is done, Klein wish be rendering CFO break into the sorbed entity introduction well.

    Klein was with Microsoft for 11 years, demonstrative CFO dust 2009. Good taste announced make a way into April purify was walk away the code giant. Enjoy that put on ice, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer praised him for his ability holiday control pour and care his condition in rendering acquisition be beaten Skype, which Microsoft purchased from White Lake Partners, a WME stakeholder.

    The Spanking York Times first rumored Klein’s defeat at WME. The open and close the eye said executives of Silverware Lake, a Silicon Depression private fairness firm engross stakes make out several companies, were interpretation ones who first jeopardize of transfer Klein finish off WME.

    “Peter’s powerful track slope and cosmopolitan experience disposition be a tremendous may as miracle begin a new ride exciting prop in spend company’s history,” WME co-CEOs Ari Emanuel and Patrick Whitesell alleged in a joint list Monday. “Peter’s proven maintain equilibrium to organization and be in charge of teams adjustment a wideranging scale, ride bring inclemency and announce