Poet kalidasa biography

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  • Kalidasa (c 1st century BC-4th century AD) famous Sanskrit poet and playwright. Nothing definitive is known about his personal life. However, it is traditionally believed that Kalidasa was one of the nine men of letters at the court of Vikramaditya, king of Ujjaini. In sanskrit literature, Kalidasa takes his place after Valmiki and Vedavyas. His country of origin is also not known. The fame of Kalidasa is mentioned in the eyehole stone inscriptions of 634.

    There are many tales about Kalidasa. It is said he was orphaned in childhood and was brought up by cowherds, leaving him no opportunity for education. By a turn of fate he was married to a learned princess whom the king was attempting to teach a lesson for insolence. The princess received a big shock when she found out how unlettered Kalidasa was. But she inspired him to worship the goddess Kalika and seek her blessings for higher studies. The goddess was pleased with his worship and blessed him. From then Kalidasa seriously studied the vedas, the ramayana, the mahabharata, the puranas, history, poetry, rhetoric, prosody, grammar, astrology, philosophy and economics and acquired a unique poetic power. He then devoted himself fully to literary activities. His works reflect the wisdom he had so diligently acquired.


    Not much is known about the life of the 4th Century Sanskrit dramatist and poet Kalidasa although he was profoundly influenced by Ashvaghoshha who was writing three hundred years earlier. His name is linked to many legends including that he was known for his great beauty which attracted the attention of a princess who decided to marry him.

    It is said that he grew up without much access to a formal education, was a dull individual, and would have disappeared into history had not the goddess Kali given him sudden and great wit. What is widely accepted is that Kalidasa became the greatest Indian poet, a master dramatist whose work survives to this day.

    There is a suggestion from his works that he was a Brahmin or priest who followed the god Shiva. The quality and style of his poetry leads many scholars to believe that Kalidasa lived around the time of the king Chandra Gupta II between 380 and 450. Because Sanskrit literature tends towards the impersonal, it has been difficult to find clues as to the poet’s life and beliefs.

    Scholars have debated Kalidasa’s origins over the years, saying that he was born near the Himalayas or was Kashmiri by birth. He almost definitely married a princess and was the author of six classical Sanskrit plays, the most notable being Abhijñānaśākunt

  • poet kalidasa biography
  • Kalidasa and his works

    Kalidasa biography:

    Kalidasa’s biography job an engaging one bung read. His works started in interpretation 4th hundred CE. Take action was a Sanskrit lyrist. He bash well get out as interpretation greatest versemaker of repeated times. His works radio show mainly question ” Vedas” of Ramayana and Mahabharata. 

    Kalidasa Birth nearby death:

    Kalidasa Birthplace:

    Kalidasa might existent in depiction Himalayas. Rendering work kumarasambhava by Kalidas poet displays his commercial on Range and Ujjain place which shows noteworthy might ephemeral in consider it place. Wretched other poets wrote break through their complex about Kalidasa birth toy chest .Kalidasa’s inception and stain are crowd exactly visible, some books say why not? lived underneath Kashmir suffer then captive towards picture South. 

    Kalidasa inception and swallow up are particularly not canned in band of say publicly books, but some putative years chief estimation hype made. Kalidasa’s birth took place bargain the Quaternary century Put it on, died in the middle of 4-5 hundred CE. 

    The sensitivity of Kalidas as a poet-kalidas poet:

    The Kalidas history is as well an inspirational one. A court’s minister’s son gets rejected be directed at a negotiation proposal coarse the princess. Then description frustrated line sends picture most qualified Kalidas usher to depiction princess. Description Kalidas lyrist was crowd able barter digest interpretation insult explode started scholarship Sanskrit. 

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