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Freedom Time: Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World
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Gary Wilder
Negritude, Decolonization, and the Future of the World
Duke University Press Durham and London
© Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper ∞ Designed by Courtney Leigh Baker Typeset in Univers by Westchester Book Group Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Wilder, Gary. Freedom time : Negritude, decolonization, and the future of the world / Gary Wilder. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN (hardcover : alk. paper) ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) ISBN (e-book) 1. Césaire, Aimé. 2. Senghor, Léopold Sédar, – 3. France—Colonies—Africa—20th century. 4. France—Colonies—America—20th century. 5. Negritude (Literary movement). I. Title. jvw '.3—dc23 Cover art: (top) Léopold Senghor. Felix Man/Picture Post/Getty Images; (bottom) Aimé Césaire. © Mario Dondero.
For Rachel & Isabel
In memoriam Marilyn Wilder & Fernando Coronil
—Aimé Césaire
Preface xi
Acknow ledg ments xv
Unthinking France, Rethinking Decolonization 1
Situating Césaire 17 Antillean Awakening and Global Red
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Index of Persons as Subject
"Index of Persons as Subject: Title references from persons as subjects in non-fiction works". Author Title and Subject Guide, edited by , Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur, , pp.
(). Index of Persons as Subject: Title references from persons as subjects in non-fiction works. In (Ed.), Author Title and Subject Guide (pp. ). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur.
Index of Persons as Subject: Title references from persons as subjects in non-fiction works. In: . ed. Author Title and Subject Guide. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur, pp.
"Index of Persons as Subject: Title references from persons as subjects in non-fiction works" In Author Title and Subject Guide edited by , Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur,
Index of Persons as Subject: Title references from persons as subjects in non-fiction works. In: (ed.) Author Title and Subject Guide. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Saur; p
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