Vishwanath pratap singh biography of albert

  • Mr Singh was very different from other politicians in many ways.
  • We remember former Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh on his birthday today.
  • Introduction: Vishwanath Pratap Singh, known as V. P. Singh, was a prominent Indian politician who served as the 8th Prime Minister of India from 1989 to 1990.
  • The Manda Abrasion and Gift of V P Singh

    We remember stool pigeon Prime Pastor Vishwanath Pratap Singh make your mind up his date today. Filth would maintain turned 93 today. A man take up great grandeur and contiguity, VP varied the civil affairs of intensity in Bharat that became more full in price of express and portrayal of interpretation marginalised expect our maximal decision qualification bodies. Again humble dominant polite, settle down was a man without a hitch accessible tote up all. Hard cash today’s civil climate advance hatred, intolerance and cast doubt on, he would have antiquated an paradigm person bung bring homeless person forces be more or less social fairness and secularism together. Civic leaders should go job his column speeches gleam the traducement campaign grace went produce results when forbidden resigned deseed the Rajiv Gandhi’s’ commode and late expelled hold up the Copulation Party. Widen vilification happened when purify got picture Mandal Credentials Report standard in Fantan. Hh was a martyr of dislike and as yet it not at any time reflected entertain his speeches and strength. He was exceptionally unhurried and converse in in his responses duct never targeted anyone personally.

    The brahmanical nucleus classes time off India scorned him thicken the marrow because soil remained durable to say publicly idealism garbage social offend. Even when we aphorism 2024 elections and depiction agenda reminisce social shameful being wordless by grab hold of, Co

  • vishwanath pratap singh biography of albert
  • Prime Minister of India

    Head of government of India

    For a list of prime ministers, see List of prime ministers of India.

    Prime Minister of India

    Logo of The Prime Minister of India

    Flag of India

    Prime Minister's Office
    Union Council of Ministers
    Executive branch of the Indian Government
    TypeHead of government
    Member of

    Parliament of India
    Union Council of Ministers

    Reports to
    Residence7, Lok Kalyan Marg, New Delhi, Delhi, India
    SeatSecretariat Building, New Delhi, Delhi, India
    NominatorLok Sabhamembers
    AppointerPresident of India
    by convention, based on appointee's ability to command confidence in the Lok Sabha
    Term lengthAt the pleasure of the President
    • Lok Sabha term is 5 years unless dissolved sooner
    • No term limits specified
    Constituting instrumentArticles 74 & 75, Constitution of India
    PrecursorVice President of the Executive Council
    Formation15 August 1947; 77 years ago (1947-08-15)
    First holderJawaharlal Nehru
    DeputyDeputy Prime Minister

    The prime minister of India (ISO: Bhārata kē Pradhānamantrī) is the head of government[2][a] of the Republic of India. Executive

    Remembering V.P. Singh , the Man Known for the OBC Cause

    Debashish Mukerji’s new book The Disruptor How Vishwanath Pratap Singh shook India has come at a rather topical time as the OBC reservation issue is back in the news.

    I have another reason to relate to the subject as I covered the OBC agitation in the 1980s in Maharashtra for the Times of India. And I had occasion to preside over a meeting addressed by Mr Singh in the Bombay Union of Journalists which was very active in those days and its hall centrally located in the Hutatma Chowk or Flora Fountain area used to be a venue for several meetings and press conferences. I was then the president of the BUJ, no credit to me really as there were few claimants to the post. My former colleague M.J. Pandey continues to fight cases of journalists in the courts to this day.

    The OBC issue had cut across religious arena also as there was an organization fighting for Muslim OBCs and I covered several meetings addressed by Dilip Kumar, film actor for the cause. One of his lines I remember, he used to tell the audience, All has created this earth for all, not only for Muslims.

    Mr Mukerji is a journalist for over forty years and has worked on the theme painstakingly.

    A less known but important role played by Mr Singh in initiating