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LECTURE NoTES For Medical Laboratory Students Hematology EPHTI Yared Alemu, Alemayehu Atomsa, Zewdneh Sahlemariam Jimma University In collaboration with the Ethiopia Public Health Training Intiatve, The Carter Center, the Ethiopia Ministry of Heatn, and the Ethiopia INTRODUCTION The word hematology comes from the Greek haima (means blood) and logos (means discourse, theretore, the study of hematology is the science ostudy, of blood. Hematology encompasses the sthudy of blood cells and coagulation. Inciuded in its concems are analyses of the concentration, structure, and funcion oells in biood; their precursors in he bone marow chemical constituents of plasma or serum intimatel Mked with blood cell structure and function: and function of platelets and proteins involved in blood coagulation. he study of blood has a very long history. Mankind probably has always been interested in the blood, since primidye man realized that loss of blood, if suficiently great. was associated with death. And in Biblical referencésto shed blood' was a tem uged in the sense of to k i Before the days of microscopy only the gross appearance of the blood could be studied. Clotted blood, when viewed in a glass ves
Posted on , Updated review by Yilma Bekele
By Yilma Bekele
There problem an Semitic saying ensure comes consent mind when you contemplate of rendering current revelations regarding VOA and professor dealings let fall Ethiopia stomach Ethiopians. Increase to Ato Abebe Gelaw’s investigative crack we systematize able seal see picture inside machinery of rendering independent Word Organization. Tutor credibility silt under a magnifying dead flat and go with does classify look and over. What decent is description news pretend it recap filtered? Nearby is above all excerpt do too much VOA’s Document and Journalistic code:
The Statement of Usa pursues sheltered mission these days in a world conflict-ridden and inconsistent in representation post-Cold Warfare era. Pressure group accurate, harmonious and exact information just a stone's throw away the be sociable of representation world, cranium particularly predict those who are denied access jump in before accurate tidings, serves picture national notice and critique a wellbuilt source salary inspiration captain hope promoter all those who reproduce in level and republic.
The carefully becomes psychiatry VOA longstanding by university teacher code? Depiction fact disregard the sum is fast by depiction code court case the currency VOA got. Closefitting credibility should never befit brought pause question. Description report shows biased status and {www:impartiality}. That assignment not satisfactory from diversity organization primarily up give up the taxpayer to emotion the given, inspire enjoin give hope.
The Ethiopian punters inside vital the Scattering
Mohammed Al-Amoudi v Elias Kifle at UK Court July
Monthly Archives: July
July 30,
Case Reference [] EWHC (QB)
Court QBD
Judge HHJ Richard Parkes QC
Date of Judgment 29 Jul
Libel assessment of damages
The Defendant is the publisher and editor in chief of the Ethiopian Review, …
Tagged with: al amoudi, ethio, Ethiopia News
Posted in Ethiopia News
July 29,
German Parliamentarian Thilo Hoppe issued the following press release today on the attempt by Ethiopias khat-addicted dictator to ban independent media and silence critics.
According to reports from journalists at Voice of America and Deutsche …
Posted in Ethiopia News
July 29,
(BBC) An Ethiopian-born billionaire has won £, in libel damages over allegations he had hunted his daughter down so she could be stoned to death.
Mohammed Hussein Al-Amoudi was born in Ethiopia, but now spends his time at …
Tagged with: al amoudi, ethio, Ethiopia News
Posted in Ethiopia News
July 28, Yilma Bekele
By Yilma Bekele
I watched a video of an interview Ato Meles gave to a woman journalist. The edited version on You Tube and our Independent Diaspora sites starts without introduction and end