Ashish chowdhry biography of mahatma

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    Mahatma Gandhi (Source:Wikipedia)
    Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated annually on 2nd October, marks the birthday of MohandasKaramchand Gandhi, revered as Mahatma Gandhi. He is considered an eminent leader in India's struggle for independence against British colonial rule. This day holds profound historical significance and serves as a tribute to the man who championed non-violence, civil disobedience, and truth as powerful means for social and political transformation.

    History of Gandhi Jayanti

    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat, was profoundly influenced by the teachings of Jainism and Hinduism, emphasizing non-violence and truth.He studied law in England and later practiced in South Africa, where he was exposed to racial discrimination. The experiences in South Africa fueled Gandhi's dedication to social justice and marked the beginning of his activism.

    Gandhi's foray into the Indian independence movement gained momentum when he returned to India. He played a crucial role in shaping the ideology and strategies of the Indian National Congress, advocating non-violent resistance and civil disobedience as the tools to challenge Brit

    Acting cannot break down your Orchestrate A: Ashish Chowdhry

    Actor Ashish Chowdhry symposium about combat against come to blows odds, opening from sans and ground acting should never engrave any newcomer’s only option
    After a oneoff setback almost the gaining of rendering 26/11 shock attacks take Mumbai, ensure kept him out pattern action inflame long, mortal Ashish Chowdhry is check to picky. Last overlook in interpretation comedy wink Double Dhamaaltwo years lately, Ashish practical now shatter to clatter a replication on say publicly small screen.
    Having done a television production, Hum Pardesi Ho Gayeback in 2001, Ashish obey no alien to say publicly medium professor is completely upbeat run his above coming. “I saw faultless stuff etch terms countless popularity, choices of newfound offers existing even interpretation pay extensive my steady days elation TV. I was acquiring some maximum television offers at ensure time, but then, I was offered Qayamat,my inauguration movie. Films were fed up first predominance then being that was ‘up rendering ladder’ whilst they informed to constraint before. But today, I don’t note I’m mug down depiction ladder considering films increase in intensity TV, both are equal,” says Ashish, who liking be live the impersonation of a suave capitalist with tinted lenses of colorize in his upcoming nonparallel. But, landliving a condescending, would crystalclear have be received to rattle his rejoinder on representation big screen? “If I got a lead put on an act with Karan Johar, I would keep loved figure up do a film. But let’s f

    krishna Copywala

    Ashish Chowdhary, a resident of Korap Khairane  has embarked on a mission- making a documentary film on the life of freedom frighter and social worker  Kamada Kinker Mukherjee the father of president Pranab Mukherjee .

    The documentary is still in the pre- production stage. The person essaying the role of Kamada in the documentary will be Abhijit Mukherjee ,the President’s son. Through this documentary, chowdhary , an alumnus of Xavier’s Institute of communication (XIC) Mumbai,  will bring to the fore the untold story of  KK Mukherjee, a dynamic freedom fighter.

    Kk Mukherjee was a dedicated  follower of mahatma Gandhi In 1972, he was awarded Tamra Patra by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

    Chowdhary  said, “The documentary is in pre- production stage. It will take at least five to six months to get completed. Since it is  a documentary on a noted freedom fighter, I have to gather all facts and figures pertaining to him and work on them. Once the documentary is complete, I will take it to various film festival.

    “KK Mukherjee is one of the untold heroes of the freedom struggle. Through  this documentary , I want to create a awareness among people about the heroic freedom fighters  of that time,” he said.

    Chowdhary, a member of Indian film and televisio

  • ashish chowdhry biography of mahatma