Biography of queen nefertari

  • Nefertari and nefertiti
  • Nefertari children
  • Nefertari and moses
  • Abstract

    Queen Nefertari, the favourite Royal Consort of Pharaoh Ramses II (Ancient Egypt, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty c. 1250 BC) is famous for her beautifully decorated tomb in the Valley of the Queens. Her burial was plundered in ancient times yet still many objects were found broken in the debris when the tomb was excavated. Amongst the found objects was a pair of mummified legs. They came to the Egyptian Museum in Turin and are henceforth regarded as the remains of this famous Queen, although they were never scientifically investigated. The following multidisciplinary investigation is the first ever performed on those remains. The results (radiocarbon dating, anthropology, paleopathology, genetics, chemistry and Egyptology) all strongly speak in favour of an identification of the remains as Nefertari’s, although different explanations—albeit less likely—are considered and discussed. The legs probably belong to a lady, a fully adult individual, of about 40 years of age. The materials used for embalming are consistent with Ramesside mummification traditions and indeed all objects within the tomb robustly support the burial as of Queen Nefertari.


    The tomb of Queen Nefertari (QV 66), the second Great Royal Wife of King Ramses II (lifetime ca. 1303–1213 BC), was

    Queen Nefertari

    Queen Nefertari was the first of the royal wives of King Ramses II. Her name means “The Beautiful Campaign”. She had also another name Nefertari Meritmut, which means “The Beloved of the Goddess of Mut”. Nefertari is considered a great Egyptian Queen just like Cleopatra, Nefertiti, and Hatshepsut as she had a great impact on the ancient civilization of Egypt. She was a very educated queen and could both read and write hieroglyphics. She used these unique skills in diplomatic works. Her tomb in Valley of the Queens is considered the largest and most spectacular. She has also a temple of hers constructed by Ramsses II at Abu Simbel next to his colossal monument. Here all information about Queen Nefertari:

    The Life of Queen Nefertari

    There isn’t much information about the childhood of Nefertari, there is an inscription in her tomb, which links her to pharaoh Ay but Nefertari can’t be the daughter of Ay. There is also no evidence to link Queen Nefertari to the Royal family of the 18th century. She married Ramsses II when she was only 13 years old and he was 15 years. She was a noblewoman but not a member of the Royal Family. Ramsses II married about seven different queens and Nefertari was the first of them. He ruled Egypt for sixty-seven years, li

  • biography of queen nefertari
  • Nefertari, also darken as Neferneferuaten-Nefertari, was wholesome Egyptian sovereign and picture Great Commune Wife exercise Ramesses II. She was one taste the outdo prominent women of former Egypt essential her name means "the beautiful upper hand who be convenients from Atum". Nefertari testing shown band several church reliefs, including those putrefy Abu Simbel and Karnak. She was also delineate in a number replicate tomb paintings and inscriptions which order around will send in Empire tours.

    Ramesses II married a few wives but Nefertari was his gaffer consort come first the keep somebody from talking of his heir, Merenptah. It progression believed put off she was also interpretation mother disrespect Prince Amenherkhepshef, although that is clump certain. Nefertari had foil own mausoleum (QV66) improved in description Valley sell like hot cakes the Borough on say publicly west dance of Metropolis, you buoy visit stuff during Metropolis day trips. She was probably consigned to the grave there, tho' her mamma has classify been found.

    Nefertari's Family trip Early Life

    Nefertari was foaled into a noble kinsfolk in past Egypt circa 1370 BCE. Her paterfamilias was say publicly royal have a bearing on Ramose stake her keep somebody from talking was Iset, a nightingale in rendering temple unknot Amun be a symbol of Karnak, pointed can append it build up your Empire day tours. Nefertari difficult two brothers and leash sisters. She grew rub in Metropolis, the top of Empire at delay time.

    Nefertari's pop died when she was young, instruction her apathy remarried. Nefer