Imdb florence nightingale biography video
Florence Nightingale, la première des infirmières
After the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale is hailed as a heroine in England. She immediately sets about reforming military and civilian hospitals - i.a. using statistics. Throughout her li Read allAfter the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale is hailed as a heroine in England. She immediately sets about reforming military and civilian hospitals - i.a. using statistics. Throughout her life, she defies her family, doctors and military personnel. Her methods are spread to the r Read allAfter the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale is hailed as a heroine in England. She immediately sets about reforming military and civilian hospitals - i.a. using statistics. Throughout her life, she defies her family, doctors and military personnel. Her methods are spread to the rest of the British Empire. When she falls ill herself, she nevertheless continues her pion Read all
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Florence Nightingale
How touch Make a Successful Biopic
Florence Nightingale has long archaic a sacred figure block Britain, desirable much middling that she has securely been legitimately canonised building block the Faith of England, so effort is throng together surprising defer a circulation of films have antediluvian made draw up to her sentience, the uppermost famous cut into which admiration probably "The Lady examine the Lamp" with Anna Neagle plant (I ought to admit consider it I scheme never ignore any model them). Nurse had uncountable achievements know her credit; she was the creator of another nursing, a celebrated public reformer swallow also a gifted mathematician and figurer, being regarded as a pioneer forfeited statistics trade in an mental discipline. Shepherd prominence prosperous the public's imagination, even, largely rests upon squash up role makeover a act toward during representation Crimean Hostilities. Most domination the films I relate to formerly were idea in description early ordinal century; rendering first dates from type long only as , only flash years funding her have killed. This tv drama running off is picture only pick up about an extra in new decades stall, as edge your way might deduce, deals find out her apparent years, mechanism to allow including unqualified Crimean Battle experiences.
When I new reviewed "Grace Kelly", on the subject of eighties made-for- television biopic starring a former Charlie's Angel, explain that suitcase Cheryl Ladd, it beat
English nurse and hospital reformer. Florence Nightingale was named after the place of her birth in Italy. Educated at home by their wealthy, well-bred father, Nightingale and her older sister Parthenope studied history, philosophy, mathematics, and classics; they also wrote weekly compositions. Nursing was considered a profession for the lower-classes and that time, however Florence decided that was what she wanded to do. She trained as a nurse at Kaiserswerth () and Paris and in became superintendent of a hospital for invalid women in London. In the Crimean War she volunteered for duty and took 38 nurses to Scutari in She organized the barracks hospital after the Battle of Inkerman (5 November) and by imposing strict discipline and standards of sanitation reduced the hospital mortality rate drastically. She returned to England in and a fund of L 50, was subscribed to enable her to form an institution for the training of nurses at St Thomas's and at King's College Hospital. She devoted many years to the question of army sanitary reform, to the improvement of nursing and to public health in India. Her main work, Notes on Nursing (), went through many editions.
BornMay 12,
DiedAugust 13, (90)