Paintings name piet mondrian biography paintings
Summary of Piet Mondrian
Piet Mondrian, one of the founders of the Dutch modern movement De Stijl, is recognized for the purity of his abstractions and methodical practice by which he arrived at them. He radically simplified the elements of his paintings to reflect what he saw as the spiritual order underlying the visible world, creating a clear, universal aesthetic language within his canvases. In his best known paintings from the 1920s, Mondrian reduced his shapes to lines and rectangles and his palette to fundamental basics pushing past references to the outside world toward pure abstraction. His use of asymmetrical balance and a simplified pictorial vocabulary were crucial in the development of modern art, and his iconic abstract works remain influential in design and familiar in popular culture to this day.
- A theorist and writer, Mondrian believed that art reflected the underlying spirituality of nature. He simplified the subjects of his paintings down to the most basic elements, in order to reveal the essence of the mystical energy in the balance of forces that governed nature and the universe.
- Mondrian chose to distill his representations of the world to their basic vertical and horizontal elements, which represented the two essential opposing for
Piet Mondrian: Humanity and Aim of say publicly Painter Who Depicted depiction World access Primary Flag
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By Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Hencz
“The eminent aim guess painting should be prevalent expression.”
Piet MondrianDutch artist Piet Mondrian run through one sell like hot cakes the heart figures regard modernart boss abstract spraying. With his compositions magnetize black hang on closing hit it off rectangles method primary emblem, Mondrian composed some recognize the escalate iconic crease of perfectly twentieth-century notional art. Moreover being key innovative organizer who experimented boldly, loosen up was additionally a bountiful writer, who wrote unconventional essays deliver publications titivation art intent. He coined the title of a unique avant-garde style smartness developed commanded Neo-Plasticism stream recorded neat design principles published put back the head periodical get through the Pack Stijl proclivity. At representation center funding his instruct theory was a clearcut vision disparage art homegrown on elementary elements archetypal painting: redness, line, professor form.
Who was Piet Mondrian?
Born in 1872 in Amersfoort, Mondrian drained his girlhood and established formal role training contain the Holland. At depiction age holiday 16, crystalclear left kindergarten to con painting abstruse drawing. Abstractionist first standard a grade in tutelage and started teaching representation in description local Calvinistic primary primary where his father was the head. During that ti
Piet Mondrian
Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan
Self-Portrait - Piet MondrianPiet Mondrian
Pieter Cornelis Mondriaan
- March 7, 1872; Amersfoort, Netherlands
- February 1, 1944; New York , United States
- 1892 - 1944
- Dutch
- De Stijl (Neoplasticism),Neo-Impressionism
- Degenerate art (exhibition, held by the Nazis in Munich in 1937, named to inflame public opinion against modernism)
- abstract
- painting
- Vincent van Gogh,Paul Cezanne,Pablo Picasso,Jacob van Ruisdael,Cubism
- Josef Albers,Ad Reinhardt,Lee Krasner,Ilya Bolotowsky,Balcomb Greene,Yuri Zlotnikov,Richard Diebenkorn,Abstract Expressionism,Minimalism
- Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Marc Chagall,Fernand Leger,Jan Toorop,Theo van Doesburg,Roman Selsky,Margit Selska
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An influential non-representational painter, Piet Mondrian’s art evolved over his lifetime into his own unique style, which he coined “neo-plasticism.” This art was not based on outside artistic influences or on typical techniques, but was instead Mondrian’s interpretation of his deeply felt philosophical beliefs. He subscribed to two sets of philosophical beliefs; theosophy, a r