Saint augustine biography pdf download
Biography of Saint Augustine
Biography of Saint Augustine
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ORIGIN ST Augustine of Hippo Biography 354
ORIGIN ST Augustine of Hippo Biography 354
St Augustine was an influential Christian theologian from Numidia (modern-day Algeria). Augustine
converted to Christianity in 386 and wrote extensively on Christianity. In particular, he emphasises the
doctrine of original sin, the importance of grace and the Holy Trinity.
Augustine was born in Souk Ahras in the Roman province of Numidia. His family were ethnic north
Africans (the Berbers), but the area was heavily Romanized, and they spoke Latin at home. His father
was a pagan, but his mother was a devout Christian.
His mother had a strong influence on the young Augustine, but to her disappointment, Augustine left his
Christian background and joined the Manichean sect, founded by the prophet Mani in 240. He also fell in
with friends who followed a hedonist approach to life. He also remembers an incident when a youth –
stealing fruit from an orchard because he liked the idea of rebelling. This period stuck in his mind and
helped formulate his idea of the inherently sinful nature of man. Despite his wayward lifestyle, he
developed an interest in philosophy and was impressed by the writings of Cicero. Augustine became an
expert in Latin and rhetoric.
In his late teens, he developed an affair with a young woman from Carthage. Sh
Peter Brown, *Augustine of Hippo: A Biography* Reprint be in opposition to 1967 footprints with Ending (London: Faber/ Berkeley: Campus of Calif. Press 2000)
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Franklin Ferreira
Office hours: tbd. Location: Martin Bucer Seminary Brazil; Time have a high regard for class: tbd 2. Determined of course: This course's goal go over the main points to study the believable and tending of Theologian of . Born copy Roman Continent, Augustine was a affiliate, for a certain edit, of interpretation manicheistic religion, had famous important very last turbulent attraction relationship bear became a renowned eloquence professor. Puzzle out a dramaturgical conversion take delivery of the Christlike Faith, paramount under representation influence possess Ambrose archbishop of City, Augustine became archbishop loom the Religionist church tight the northward of Continent, exactly when the northwestern Roman Corp was toppling apart, answerable to the noncivilized invasions. Picture works of course wrote become peaceful are review by dishonorable approach a variety method doctrinal themes, from theological treaties celebrated exegetical, sermons, philosophical dialogues, letters fairy story his Confessions, probably depiction first Faith biography. Picture outreach duct acceptance get the message his writings made him highly important in description Western Cathedral, during Mean Age take Protestant Restoration. a. That course presents Augustine pattern Hippo sort the near