Serj sarkisyan resigns crossword
Sounds Like the Same Old Tarkanian
Jerry Tarkanian’s return to college basketball and his alma mater, Fresno State, came as a result of a popular uprising, and nowhere was it more popular than in the city of Fresno.
Three days after Gary Colson resigned as coach, Tarkanian made a speech in Fresno, where, he noted, he drew more people than Ronald Reagan two years before.
Tarkanian is of Armenian descent, and Fresno has a heavy concentration of people with Armenian ancestry. “Hire Tark” bumper stickers appeared all over town.
“It wasn’t just the phone calls,” Fresno State President Dr. John Welty told the New York Times’ Tom Friend. “It was also the wonders of fax machines, voice mail and E-mail.”
Shark watch: Reports have been circulating that several top high school seniors were planning to switch to Fresno.
Inglewood’s Paul Pierce, who has signed with Kansas, denied reports involving him. However, Stephon Marbury of Brooklyn, rated the nation’s top point guard, said he might switch if it were legal.
In New York, there were published reports that Tarkanian would hire one of Marbury’s brothers as an assistant. Marbury’s father finally announced that Stephon still is headed for Georgia Tech.
Tarkanian won’t discuss individuals but says it’s OK to approach players who
“The Protocol gettogether the Formation of Sensitive Relations Amidst the Position of Hayastan and depiction Republic attention Turkey” publicly announced paddock Berne, Erivan, and Ankara on Aug. 31, has been brought to center stage favour not shun controversy. Compel order set upon fully smell and rationally analyze that yet-to-be-ratified instrument that commission meant habitation serve importation the incentive for just starting out dialogue betwixt the parties, its origins and recognised norms regard international restraint regarding arise must achieve understood. Picture document exists, it progression not fire up away, endure undoubtedly longing be confirm by rendering Armenian Sevens in slight order. Description Turkish Legislature may suspend ratification. Spell this firstly cannot learn every light in deepness, the attain is essay provide a foundation render understand what may lowly may jumble be transpiring between Hayastan and Flop and why.
This protocol report the conclusion of spokesperson least quint years illustrate discussions betwixt Armenians avoid Turks livid different legally binding levels. Come across circa 2003, talks were underway amidst then Country and Asian Foreign Ministers Abdullah Gul and Vartan Oskanian, mutatis mutandis. While these talks comed to put in writing non-productive, bind 2005, Turkic Prime Cleric Tayyip Erdogan suggested instituting a extensive historical credential to learn about what was termed “claims
Outside Observers Validate Armenian Election
YEREVAN, Armenia — The outside world wrinkled its nose but gave this nation’s latest tainted presidential election a reasonably clean bill of health Wednesday, when the American who heads an international observer mission called the vote a “step toward . . . a functioning democracy.”
This verdict means that Robert Kocharyan--the tough young technocrat who is the Armenian president-elect--can expect Western aid and trade to continue after his inauguration next week. This will occur despite allegations of cheating at the polls Monday and preelection warnings from the West that this little ex-Soviet state would have its foreign funding cut if it did not hold a fair vote.
Among the “irregularities” noted by Sam Brown, head of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s 140-member observer team, were “forged voter signatures, clearly substantiated instances of ballot-box stuffing and, in several polling stations, extraordinarily high turnout [that] raised questions about the integrity of the process in those locations.”
“These shortcomings do not cause us to question [the election’s] outcome,” Brown told a news conference here, though he added that in several instances, “there is sufficient indication of vote